The Head Scratcher

We needed to build brand equity around National Grid’s role in the future of green, clean energy and drive graduate recruitment amongst generation Z.

The Big Positive Impact

Get urgent. Tap into, and answer, society’s demand for immediate action on the climate emergency.

To do this we created an action-focused, disruptive and surprising rallying cry for the public, policymakers and the future net zero workforce to join National Grid in ‘THE JOB THAT CAN’T WAIT’.

The Headlines

Perceptions of National Grid shifted significantly on all key measures amongst each target audience.

Generation Z applications increased dramatically, with female application increasing by 204%.

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A Comfy Carol

DFS celebrate the importance of home comfort at Christmas with Wallace and Gromit.

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500. So good you could kiss it…

We celebrated Fiat 500’s 60th birthday at the iconic Piccadilly Circus outdoor poster site with an image of the car made of kisses from its fans.

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