Autogazetta DM

The Headscratcher

How do you raise awareness and consideration of the new Fiat 124 Spider (after almost 50 years of absence from the roadster segment), amongst a very specific driving audience?


The audience for the Fiat 124 Spider was a highly targeted group defined as ‘Generation Me’. Cultured and stylish with an all-round appreciation of all things automotive, they wanted a car that took them back to a carefree world.


“Autogazetta” was an indulgent magazine for car lovers. A direct mail piece that challenged what traditional DM should look like by replicating a 1960s car magazine to show the Fiat 124 Spider’s sports car heritage and introduce today’s model.

The Headlines

Autogazetta delivered a phenomenal 2.7% conversion rate from mail to sale. 60 of those mailed went on to buy a Fiat 124 Spider or other Fiat model generating £1m of revenue and a very healthy ROI of 53:1.

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