The Head Scratcher

Create pre-launch buzz around the Fiat 500L and get Mums in particular to notice the car, all on a limited budget.

The Big Positive Impact

Tell it like it is.

‘Car clinics’ revealed that Mums pretty much hated the absurd dream most car ads reflected, so instead we created a no holds barred, razor sharp rap to celebrate the down and dirty life-enhancing truth.

The Headlines

The Guardian described the work as “an assault on the familiar, the relentlessly bloody upscale tone of the average car ad…The Fiat 500L mum is right for us. In her photogenically haggard way, there’s something aspirational to her after all”.

With 4.8m views ‘Motherhood’ was the most viewed ad globally, helping to convert 191 pre-orders and delivering £2.5m of revenue.

"An assault on the familiar, the relentlessly bloody upscale tone of the average car ad…The Fiat 500L mum is right for us. In her photogenically haggard way, there’s something aspirational to her after all."

The Guardian

Sarah Ditum

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